Monday, March 29, 2010

Video Project

Spreadsheet Project

Spreadsheet is an extremely useful tool not just in the work place but in the classroom to. I have used spreadsheet in many cases such as taking enventory, patient records, and student information. The excel program and spreadsheet program through google will be an important tool that will benefit students in one way or another whether it be at school or in the work place. The sooner the students are exposed to this software the better and the more they will utilize it in their futures.

View my SpreadSheet

Concept Mapping

I have thouroughly enjoyed learning how to utilize the Inspiration software that allowed me to access concept mapping. Throughout this semester I have had to do numerous projects quickly and became bore with powerpoint and wondered if there was anything else I could have used. Concept mapping was extremely easy to work with and a wonderful way to present information to a classroom full of young and eager students. It may also assist in keeping their attention for more that a few minutes because it is unfamiliar to them.

Word document , GIF Format, ISF Format

Monday, March 8, 2010

Web Tools

The experience with Google groups was somewhat difficult in the beginning. I believe that the reason it was rather hard for me to grasp is I am not as familiar with google like I am with yahoo groups. However, I believe that it will be an extremely useful tool in the classroom setting, especially in higher leves of education such as in an eighth grade classroom. Both middle school and high school settings would be a wonderful educational environment to utilize Google groups for class projects and assignments. The only concern that I have is that almost every web-site based tool has an area to post discussions. If a student new to the world of technology uses the area to post the web-sites they have found and chooses to get rid of the discussion area of the group it may delete all of their hard work if he or she is not familiar with using this web based tools.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Response 4

The items that were introduced to us on February 2 were tremendously accomodating. In all of my other education classes we have had to generate rubrics and tests which use to be a hassle but, now I have two wonderful tools to work with. Educators in general are constantly under great amounts of stress due to state testing and other requirements. The tools that were introduced in this course can aid in the lessening of the work load that has already been placed upon them. I plan on teaching high school at the beginning of my career and while working I will attain my PhD. My aunt who is an educator through her twenty years of teaching has never stumbled upon the websites until I told her about them and has lately utilized them. She has always said that creating a rubric and testing material to match has always been time consuming and stressful which caused her to be aggrivated at times.

Artifacts: Rubric, Worksheet, Online book marks